Seminar 11-13 November: “What Is the Problem with Religion: A New Approach for an Inclusive Society”

Pubblicato il 02.05.2019


Abbiamo il piacere di annunciare il prossimo seminario della Scuola fiorentina per l’educazione al dialogo interreligioso, organizzato con la School of Transnational Governance (STG) dell’Istituto Universitario Europeo.

Il seminario “What Is the Problem with Religion: A New Approach for an Inclusive Society” (qui il programma) riunirà ricercatori, professionisti del settore pubblico, professionisti della politica, della diplomazia, delle ONG, di organizzazioni internazionali, dei media e del settore privato per fornire loro un’accurata conoscenza delle religioni e delle buone pratiche di dialogo interreligioso e interculturale. Attraverso l’analisi interattiva di casi studio, giochi di ruolo e fishbowl session, i partecipanti impareranno a sviluppare e sostenere istituzioni e società inclusive. Durante i cinque giorni, avranno anche la preziosa opportunità di interagire con leader delle religioni abramitiche ed esperti di dialogo interreligioso.

Il seminario è organizzato con il supporto della Regione Toscana e della Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.


The Executive Training Seminar is born from a cooperation between the European University Institute’s School of Transnational Governance (STG) and the Florence School of Advanced Studies for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogues (FSD).

The course will provide participants with a deeper understanding about religion in society through interactive analyses of case studies and encounters with religious leaders and practitioners of the Abrahamic religions living in Europe. The Seminar is open to qualified academics and professionals.
The sessions will involve group work focused on selected case studies, and plenary sessions consisting of lectures and debates with religious leaders, professors and experts. The course will enhance participants’ understanding of how to develop and sustain inclusive institutions, whilst the interactive learning experience will expose participants to new perspectives on religion and state, focusing their attention on positive and inclusive views of religion. Participants will be challenged to apply their learning to real-life scenarios where, in a protected environment, they will be driven to take risks and find solutions “outside the box”.
Here you can find the agenda.

The Seminar is supported by Regione Toscana and Foundation for Ethnic Understanding.

To apply, complete the APPLICATION FORM and send it with your CV and motivation letter to

The deadline for applications is Friday 13 September 2019.